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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs (2010)

(link removed by request)

A few years ago a girl I was with was head over heels for this band and gave me a few records to listen to… I fucking hated them and still do. It’s not so much that the band is bad, actually the music is very Very good.. but Win Butlers voice is absolutely terrible. He has this tone that makes my fucking testicles boil to the point they are two giant pulsating veiny meat medallions that are on the verge of exploding in my scrotal pouch… his voice is what I would imagine to come out of Turkish Angora that is being forcefully raped by giant fucking animal like a polar bear or a Velociraptor. I know this sounds harsh but I want to drive my car across the grass median while on a highway into hundreds of thousands of pounds of speeding death machines just to get that fucking horrible sound out of my ears… but then comes Régine Chassagne… her voice is absolutely beautiful. It makes that swollen testicle problem go away and I love life once again. All in all this record has way less Win and way more Régine. I recommend Suburbs to anybody that has been on the fence with Arcade Fire or has that issue with Win’s horrendous vocal problem.

Check their myspace
Here's the wiki

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